A Heart Wide Open

The portal to the mind and soul finds its pathway through the heart, the epicenter of emotional intelligence that functions as our guide as we navigate life’s many corridors. We all are on the identical journey with different trajectories and detours, all designed to tailor lessons of truth, hope, pain, struggle, growth, and triumph to our various experiences.

Everything and everyone we encounter along the way have a purpose, although we may not recognize the significance of the myriad interactions that occur during a seemingly ordinary day. The truth is, every moment is extraordinary—life breath itself is a moment-to-moment, singular event that no one should ever take for granted.

The heart that remains receptive to cultures, belief systems, and states of being, however divergent, enlarges throughout time and recognizes that at the core, we are all the same in different packaging—all seeking meaning, validation, universal acceptance, and most of all, love.

Ghostwriters necessarily pivot to that epicenter of understanding—the heart. That’s where we live and thrive. The veil of facades, subterfuge, overreaching, and egoism lifts and vanishes as we engage with full intention and love in stories outside ourselves—nations, ideologies, and microcosms untapped but ultimately discovered through the promise of crossing over with openness to meeting others in the middle, comprising, and creating a new paradigm out of that forged awareness.

The acknowledgement that we all are in this life together, susceptible, and vulnerable, but indomitable in the storms and stresses of our incomprehensible, beautifully flawed world makes every story worth telling and keeps the heart wide open.

©Gabriella Gafni 2024. All rights reserved.
